This is a great time of year, and a wonderful reminder of what our work is all about.
Read MoreEmory Graduates: Unite?→
/... far away from blue-collar manual labor and comfortably nestled in a university, could hardly inhabit a more different world than those in the traditional labor movement. At least on the surface...
Read MoreTighten-Up Your LinkedIn Game→
/Keeping your professional social network fresh is of the utmost importance when you’re in the job market. To attract the attention ...
Read MoreAtlanta's March For Science 2017→
/The March for Science set out to defend scientific research in a nonpartisan manner.
Read MoreDoctorate Dance 2017→
/In what is promised to be an annual tradition, the Graduate Student Council threw their largest event this year, the Doctorate Dance. And I bring you the best dressed...
Read MoreGIVE Day of Service→
/Since 2008, GDBBS Involved in Volunteerism at Emory (GIVE) has gathered graduate students, faculty and staff across disciplines in the life sciences to “give” back to the Atlanta community.
Read MoreDSAC Symposium 2017: A Student's Perspective→
/DSAC Research Excitement: Communicating Scientific Research at the Graduate Level
Read MoreDevelopment and Alumni Relations Update – Spring 2017→
/Mark Your Calendars! Homecoming for 2017 will be held on the weekend of October 20-22nd. As part of the celebration, there will be a craft brewery tour and tailgate at Wild Heaven Brewery on Thursday, October 19th for all Laney Graduate School alumni! Stay tuned for more details via email.
The Annual GDBBS Banquet is moving to the Spring for the 2017-18 academic year. All alumni are welcome to attend this event and will receive an invitation via email.
In March we held the Inaugural Jones Legacy Golf Tournament at East Lake Golf Club with huge success. Any golfers interested in supporting Emory’s Bobby Jones Program can find more information here about next year’s tournament on March 24th, 2018.
Emory University held its first day of giving on February 8th-9th. The initiative, All In A Day: 24 Hours of Change raised over $500,000 for the University. Of that, the Laney Graduate School raised over $36,000 in individual gifts, as well as matched and unlocked funds through challenges. During this fundraising initiative the Laney Graduate School rolled out the creation of the General Diversity Gift Fund to increase support for diversity initiatives at Laney.
Want to get more involved with the LGS? With over 60 professional development programs each year, alumni play a major role in the strength and quality of the graduate education experience at Emory. If you’d like to serve as a speaker or mentor to share your experience and career path with current LGS students, contact Show your support for professional development programs like these directly with a gift to the LGS program that matters most to you.
Thank you to Wells Fargo for your continued support of the Laney Graduate School!
DSAC Symposium 2017 Coverage→
/Each year, the Division Student Advisory Council (DSAC) hosts a wonderful symposium to showcase student research within GDBBS. Now in its 14th year, ...
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